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Research Article
Title: A model for an application to biomedical industry through viscoinelastic nanofluid flow
Authors: P. Priyadharshini, M. Vanitha Archana, Elsayed Elsayed, D. Vivek
Journal: Communication in Mathematical Modeling and Applications
Issue: Name: Regular, Year: 2023, Volume: 8, Issue: 1, (JUN 2023), pp:001-012
DOI: x
Viewed: (135) times
Abstract | Full Text| PDF

Research Article
Title: New Products on Undirected Graphs
Authors: Nechirvan B. Ibrahim, Alias B. Khalaf
Journal: New Trends in Mathematical Sciences
Issue: Name: Regular, Year: 2023, Volume: 11, Issue: 2, (APR 2023), pp:001-014
Viewed: (199) times
Abstract | Full Text| PDF

Research Article
Title: On -type fractional differential equations with measure of noncompactness in Banach space
Authors: D. Vivek, Elsayed Elsayed, K. Kanagarajan
Journal: Journal of Abstract and Computational Mathematics
Issue: Name: Regular, Year: 2023, Volume: 8, Issue: 1, (MARCH 2023), pp:026-031
DOI: x
Viewed: (238) times
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Research Article
Title: Application of an artificial neural network for constraining masses in particle decays.
Authors: Uygar Şaşmaz
Journal: New Trends in Mathematical Sciences
Issue: Name: Regular, Year: 2023, Volume: 11, Issue: 1, (JUN2023), pp:001-007
DOI: 10.20852/ntmsci.2023.498
Viewed: (556) times
Abstract | Full Text| PDF

Research Article
Title: The Effects of the Assorted Cross-Correlation Definitions
Authors: Daniel Greenhoe
Journal: Journal of Abstract and Computational Mathematics
Issue: Name: Regular, Year: 2023, Volume: 8, Issue: 1, (MARCH 2023), pp:001-025
DOI: -
Viewed: (318) times
Abstract | Full Text| PDF

Research Article
Title: He s variational iteration method for solving linear and non-linear heat equations
Authors: Serdal Pamuk
Journal: Communication in Mathematical Modeling and Applications
Issue: Name: regular, Year: 2022, Volume: 7, Issue: 3, (SEP2022), pp:009-014
DOI: x
Viewed: (367) times
Abstract | Full Text| PDF

Research Article
Title: On the existence and uniqueness of the steady-state solution in a tumor angiogenesis model
Authors: Serdal Pamuk
Journal: Communication in Mathematical Modeling and Applications
Issue: Name: regular, Year: 2022, Volume: 7, Issue: 3, (SEP2022), pp:001-008
DOI: x
Viewed: (392) times
Abstract | Full Text| PDF

Research Article
Title: On the Maximum Apollonian Sets
Authors: Süheyla Ekmekçi and Damla Yıldırım
Journal: New Trends in Mathematical Sciences
Issue: Name: Regular, Year: 2022, Volume: 10, Issue: 4, (OCT2022), pp:151-160
DOI: 10.20852/ntmsci.2022.497
Viewed: (442) times
Abstract | Full Text| PDF

Research Article
Title: On Embedding the Projective Plane PG(2;4) to the Projective Space P(4;4)
Authors: Ayşe Bayar, Ziya Akca and Süheyla Ekmekçi
Journal: New Trends in Mathematical Sciences
Issue: Name: Regular, Year: 2022, Volume: 10, Issue: 4, (OCT2022), pp:142-150
DOI: 10.20852/ntmsci.2022.496
Viewed: (638) times
Abstract | Full Text| PDF

Research Article
Title: Maximum Principle for the Damped Boussinesq equation
Authors: Kenan Yildirim and Sertan Alkan
Journal: New Trends in Mathematical Sciences
Issue: Name: Regular, Year: 2022, Volume: 10, Issue: 4, (OCT2022), pp:133-141
DOI: 10.20852/ntmsci.2022.495
Viewed: (669) times
Abstract | Full Text| PDF

Research Article
Title: New results on delay dependent stability for a class of nonlinear systems with additive time delay
Authors: Yener Altun
Journal: Communication in Mathematical Modeling and Applications
Issue: Name: Regular, Year: 2022, Volume: 7, Issue: 2, (SEP), pp:001-014
DOI: x
Viewed: (327) times
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Research Article
Title: On the Shortest Distance in the Plane R2 π3
Authors: Ziya Akca and Selahattin Nazlı
Journal: New Trends in Mathematical Sciences
Issue: Name: Regular, Year: 2022, Volume: 10, Issue: 4, (OCT2022), pp:128-132
DOI: 10.20852/ntmsci.2022.494
Viewed: (571) times
Abstract | Full Text| PDF

Research Article
Title: Lucas Collocation Method for the Solution of Differential Difference Equations
Authors: Nurcan Baykus Savasaneril and Deniz Elmacı
Journal: New Trends in Mathematical Sciences
Issue: Name: Regular, Year: 2022, Volume: 10, Issue: 4, (OCT2022), pp:115-127
DOI: 10.20852/ntmsci.2022.493
Viewed: (624) times
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Research Article
Title: Generalized symmetric bi-derivations in MV-algebras
Authors: Samet Koç and Hasret Yazarlı
Journal: New Trends in Mathematical Sciences
Issue: Name: Regular, Year: 2022, Volume: 10, Issue: 4, (OCT2022), pp:107-114
DOI: 10.20852/ntmsci.2022.492
Viewed: (618) times
Abstract | Full Text| PDF

Research Article
Title: Dynamics and stability results for novel coronavirus (2019-nCov) model via Caputo-Fabrizio fractional derivative
Authors: D. Vivek, Elsayed Elsayed and K. Kanagarajan
Journal: New Trends in Mathematical Sciences
Issue: Name: Regular, Year: 2022, Volume: 10, Issue: 4, (OCT2022), pp:093-106
DOI: 10.20852/ntmsci.2022.491
Viewed: (580) times
Abstract | Full Text| PDF

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739 Article(s) Found
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